So What Do You Need To Know About Magnesite Flooring?

If your home was built in the 1920s – 1980s, your home likely has Magnesite Flooring. Magnesite Flooring is a specialised cementitious product that is based on Magnesium Oxychloride (or Magnesium Oxysulphate) cement. The most common form involves the reaction between a Magnesium Chloride solution and Magnesium Hydroxide powder to form the cement binder. The finished product also contains a filling material which is commonly sawdust, wood fibers, cork, or can also contain ASBESTOS. Colourants may have also been added.

The product is mixed and then poured onto the surface to be topped. Magnesite Flooring is normally at least 10mm – 25mm thick. But can get up to 50mm thick if two coats have been poured. Magnesite was applied to the top of concrete ground floors in unit blocks. It has been commonly used in homes built in the ’20s, and ’30s and was still used up into the ’80s.

Magnesite Flooring was commonly used as a Floor Levelling compound from the 1920s to the 1980s. Magnesite Flooring is not used anymore, but because it was present in a lot of older buildings throughout Sydney and NSW, it means that Magnesite Flooring contractors will come across it quite often, so knowing how to deal with it when the issue comes up is very important.

Magnesite is a form of cement, created through magnesium oxychloride. What makes Magnesite Flooring different from normal cement is that fillers and aggregates such as wood chips or sawdust have been added to it sometimes it may also have asbestos. Magnesite Flooring was mainly used in Sydney, as a slab topping or an underlay to carpet and other forms of floor coverings.

Magnesite is extremely rich in chlorides, resulting in problems of sweating, diffusion of chloride ions into the concrete substrate, and metal corrosion, usually seen as lumps appearing below the carpet or cracks in the floor tiles.

There are many issues with having Magnesite Flooring in your property which is why it is now recommended to remove it ASAP.

Magnesite Flooring is not a floor covering an individual unit owner would have installed. It would have been laid to level the slab and act as a soundproofing agent. It doesn’t get used anymore, due to its destruction of concrete slabs through Concrete Cancer, its general lack of waterproofing, and it is known to possibly contain ASBESTOS.

Because Magnesite Flooring is water-soluble, it will return to its previous state should it be exposed to enough water. Magnesite Flooring is also quite flexible, meaning that it is not suitable to be overlaid with a smoothing compound, making it unsuitable to be used with all types of floor coverings.

– We are a fully insured business with worker’s compensation, insured for public liability and all employees have white card health and safety and COVID vaccinations.

– Our highly trained staff will always work in a safe and efficient manner while using high-quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Dust Extraction Equipment.

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Magnesite Flooring Removal is moisture-sensitive and will gradually break down if it remains wet for an extended period. Magnesite will swell up and the filler can also rot and produce unpleasant odours. The product is mixed and then poured onto the surface to be topped. Magnesite flooring is normally at least 10mm – 25mm thick. But can get up to 50mm thick if two coats have been poured.

Magnesite, which was commonly used as a floor topping or floor levelling product. There are thousands of buildings built between the 1920s and 1980s with Magnesite Floor toppings that are now facing large Concrete Cancer repair bills due to homeowners and strata not removing Magnesite from properties early enough and repairing the damage early on.

It is not a suitable material to simply be overlaid by a smoothing compound as it has most likely been down for such a long time that the effects of it have most likely already started to damage your subfloor.

Just like any other ASBESTOS-containing building materials, it was a useful product for a range of materials but unfortunately, time revealed that it is a health hazard and structural hazard that can cause Concrete Cancer. Forcing residents to remove this harmful material from their homes to avoid further structural damage.

However, you can’t encapsulate Magnesite Flooring, as they are so vulnerable to deterioration when exposed to water. Obviously, if you tried to encapsulate by pouring a screed (such as Ardex) over the top, then you’d be introducing large amounts of construction moisture into the Magnesite.

The underlying Magnesite, would then most likely turn to a Weetabix-type consistency, and start to break up, leaving you with no suitable substrate support below the screed. The water penetrates the Magnesite Flooring or where there is an inadequate slab membrane, the material absorbs moisture which results in Concrete Cancer.

What Does Magnesite Flooring Look Like - Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney

Magnesite Floor Removal

Magnesite Floor Removal is a plague throughout Sydney’s older apartment developments. They have a topping of Magnesite Floor displays a brown finish that’s often damp from absorbing moisture.

Magnesite Floor Removal is a MUST as long-term exposure to moisture that occurs in household kitchens, bathrooms, laundries, or balconies, as well as windows can lead to the Magnesite Floor releasing harmful chlorides.

Which will start to damage the material as well as the concrete and steel reinforcing beams, causing corrosion and the material to disintegrate, crack, and lump. When this occurs a few decades after installation, the Magnesite must be removed and the damaged areas treated or removed.

Magnesite Floor Removal Sydney offers Magnesite Floor Removal services to ensure that your home is repaired of any issues caused by the Magnesite such as Concrete Cancer.

We will also do a free inspection once the Magnesite Floor Removal process has been completed, we inspect the concrete slab for any damage from the Magnesite Flooring such as Concrete Cancer/Concrete Spalling.

Our professionals are experts in Magnesite Floor Removal, so they have the expertise and skills to remove Magnesite Floor toppings from concrete floors and deal with the damage appropriately safely and efficiently.

Our experts at Magnesite Floor Removal Sydney use high-quality equipment and tools to ensure that you can restore your concrete slab to a safe and usable condition which will be ready for the reinstallation of a new flooring system.

Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Dust-Free

How Much Does It Cost To Remove Magnesite Flooring?

$42 Per Square Metre*

– Magnesite Flooring Removal = $42 / Per Square Metre*

– Concrete Grinding = $10 – $60 / Per Square Metre*

– Floor Levelling = $40 – $65 / Per Square Metre*

– Concrete Cancer Repairs = Approx $130 / Per Litre*

– Disposal of all Waste = $150 – $750*

Feel free to use our free Square Metre Calculator if you would like to calculate the Cost To Remove Magnesite Flooring from your property.

– Please review the information below for a further understanding of how we price these services

– This is a firm per square metre price which does not change
– We charge ($42 / per square metre) for Magnesite Flooring Removal
View our Magnesite Flooring Removal Pricing page for more information

– How many MM may need to be ground down
– How many square metres require Concrete Grinding
– Access to the site (LIFT or STAIRS? and what LEVEL?)
– What level is the property on? (Access to the property)
– What service is required (General Grind? Coating Removal?)
– The condition of the concrete that requires Concrete Grinding
– What level of power can be provided? (10AMP > 15AMP OR 3PHASE)
View our Concrete Grinding Pricing page for more information

– What primer is required
– What level is the property on?
– Minimum Job Size: 50 Square Metres
– How many square metres require floor levelling
– How many bags do we need to complete the job
– How many MM do we need to raise up your subfloor
– The condition of the concrete slab or timber subfloor
– Access to the site (LIFT or STAIRS? and what LEVEL?)
– We charge ($40 – $65 / per square metre) for Floor Levelling
– What level of power can be provided? (10AMP > 15AMP OR 3PHASE)
View our Floor Levelling Pricing page for more information

– On average we charge ($130 / per litre) for Concrete Cancer Repairs
– Depending on several different factors, This price may go up or down
– We will supply a firm quote after the Magnesite Flooring has been removed
– Otherwise, if we quote “blindly” before the job starts. You are looking at the maximum price of ($130 / per litre)
View our Concrete Cancer Price page for more information

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The cost of removing Magnesite Flooring can vary quite a lot from company to company. Here at Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney, we guarantee that we’ll always have the lowest prices for Magnesite Flooring Removal we will always be upfront with the cost of Magnesite Flooring Removal with no hidden extra fees.

Other Magnesite Flooring Removal contractors and Removing Magnesite companies that Remove Magnesite, regardless of job size will make you hire a skip bin which will cost a huge amount ($375 – $1,000+) which will have to sit in your front yard for days while you deal with the annoyance of organising it and the large cost of the whole process.

Here at Dust-Free Magnesite Floor Removal Sydney, we come in, remove your Magnesite Flooring, and Grind down any Magnesite residue on your concrete slab to allow the clean installation of a new flooring system, or a Floor Levelling agent, epoxy, paint, waterproofing, or the concrete slab to be inspected for Concrete Cancer.

Then our team will sweep and vacuum your property of any remaining mess! Even though we use commercial dust extraction equipment to offer you a nearly completely Dust-Free experience.

Once our team is finished, we will also take all the waste from the process of Removing Magnesite from your property to a local resource management centre for you. Which will be far cheaper than having to hire a skip bin and dealing with the frustration of that whole process!

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How Much Does It Cost To Remove Magnesite Flooring Residue?

$10 – $60 Per Square Metre*

After we have finished Removing Magnesite from your property, high-powered Dust-Free Concrete Grinders are used to remove the Magnesite residue from your concrete slab.  This is required to reveal any Concrete Cancer that may require repairs, as well as to successfully install a Floor Levelling agent that without failure.

– How many MM may need to be ground down
– How many square metres require Concrete Grinding
– Access to the site (LIFT or STAIRS? and what LEVEL?)
– What level is the property on? (Access to the property)
– What service is required (General Grind? Coating Removal?)
– The condition of the concrete that requires Concrete Grinding
– What level of power can be provided? (10AMP > 15AMP OR 3PHASE)
View our Concrete Grinding Pricing page for more information

View our Floor Levelling Pricing page for more information

Concrete Grinding Sydney - Grinding Concrete Dust-Free - 1

Magnesite Waste Disposal Cost

$150 – $750

Here at Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney, we take all your rubbish away with us for disposal at your local resource management centre. This saves our clients hundreds of dollars in hiring skip bins, as well as the frustration of the whole process of hiring one and having to have a skip bin sit in your front yard or strata unit block for days. (Depending on how many square metres of Magnesite you have will be the deciding factor on your disposal of waste charge)Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Floor Removal Sydney

Magnesite Flooring Removal Who Is Liable To Pay?

Your STRATA is liable to pay for all Concrete Cancer Repairs it’s never worth putting yourselfyour unit, and the unit block at risk when you can get the issue dealt with before the Concrete Cancer gets worse and before it affects your Flooring System and unit blocks structure.

As of 2023, The Following Rules Apply:
– If Your Strata Have NOT Changed The By-Law They Are Liable To Pay For:
– Magnesite Flooring Removal
– Concrete Grinding
– Disposal of all Waste
– Concrete Cancer Repairs

– If Your Strata HAS Already Changed The By-Laws They Are Only Liable To Pay For:
– Concrete Cancer Repairs

– It should be noted that it is always the customer’s responsibility to pay for Floor Levelling as well as the removal of any flooring systems above the Magnesite such as carpet.

Magnesite Flooring is “Common Property” so is your concrete subfloor. Your Strata is required by law in NSW to pay for the removal of your Magnesite UNLESS the By-Law has been changed.

As of 2023, it seems it’s becoming more and more common for strata committees to update their bylaws so that they no longer have to pay for the Magnesite Removal and concrete grinding, especially the ones struggling with money (although they are still liable for any concrete cancer repairs). The majority though still cover magnesite removal, so make sure to check your strata’s bylaws!

It is not uncommon for a strata committee to try to bully a property owner (especially a new one who is not familiar with strata laws) out of having their Magnesite Removed. Strata committees often bully clients into installing new flooring systems over Magnesite Flooring.

Often lying and saying that it is in:
– Fine condition
– Does not need to be removed
– Safe to have a new flooring system installed on
– All of the above factors are simply not true

Although when this happens, the flooring system fails, strata will not be paying for the removal, re-purchase, and re-installation of your new flooring system! So be careful not to get bullied or scammed into thinking that it is safe to leave your Magnesite subfloor down before installing a new flooring system.

The cost to repair any concrete cancer is always your strata committee’s responsibility. To cover the costs of the remediation, special levies may be called in if your strata fund currently does not have enough money for major repairs (Such as Concrete Cancer Repairs)

Magnesite Flooring Removal - Magnesite Flooring Sydney

How Water Affects Magnesite Flooring

In the ensuing years, storms, equipment malfunctions and occupant carelessness have led to water reaching the magnesite. The windows and doors were not as good as their modern counterparts, and in stormy conditions, they leaked. Also, over half a century of use, doors and windows have been left open in stormy conditions, water has been spilt, it overflowed from kitchens, laundries and bathrooms due to equipment failure, waterproofing membrane failure or simple carelessness.

Let’s talk about why Magnesite Flooring is such a problem when wet.

Magnesite Flooring is moisture-sensitive and will gradually break down if it remains wet for an extended period. Magnesite Flooring will swell up, bubble, crack and the filler can also, rot and produce unpleasant odours. Once wet, it often resembles the texture of cork from an old wine bottle!

Magnesite Flooring is extremely vulnerable to dampness, once it becomes significantly moist, the chlorine in the magnesium oxychloride begins to seep out of the Magnesite Flooring and into the concrete slab below, causing corrosion to the reinforcement bars within the concrete, as a result, it will also attack all pipework within the slab, as gravity does its job and pulls the now-contaminated water through the concrete subfloor.

This means that the steel reinforcement of the concrete subfloor is at risk of corrosion and Concrete Cancer, which can cause tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars worth of damage to your building. This is why it is so important to remove your Magnesite Flooring ASAP and replace it with a new Floor Levelling agent.

The relationship between Magnesite Flooring and concrete spalling/cancer is rather simple. Because Magnesite absorbs water and provokes the oxychloride to dissolve at the top, it leeches to the reinforcement steel bars on the floor and corrodes them, which can cause the concrete to expand up to 7 times the volume of the steel originally. 

What Happens When Magnesite Flooring Gets Wet?
– Corrodes Water Pipes
– Corrodes Gas Pipes
– Corrodes steel reinforcement bars
– Damages the concrete slab
– Unpleasant odours
– Bubbling/Cracking in the magnesite
– Delaminating from the concrete
– It’s impossible to install a new Flooring System, Floor Coating, or Floor Levelling product on

Since Magnesite is water-soluble, that means that it will always return to its previous state, if it is exposed to enough water. So what does this mean for homeowners?

The major issue with Magnesite Flooring is that it can cause Concrete Cancer if it is affected by water ingress. 

The corrosion causes two issues. First, the steel in the concrete will begin to expand causing the concrete slab and Magnesite Flooring to crack, bubble, and deliminate and in turn the Magnesite Flooring to crack or pop out. Secondly, the concrete slab will lose its structural integrity over time which could lead to the collapse of the slab.

1) Weather over the last 35 – 100 years will also be a massive factor that will have increased the rate of Concrete Cancer in your unit.

2) Being closer to the ocean will also rapidly increase how fast your Magnesite Flooring has caused Concrete Cancer throughout your unit.

3) ALL Properties will have minor water damage and some may even have major water damage those areas are likely to already have Concrete Cancer. Areas near bathrooms, kitchens, windows, and balconies will also, commonly, be increasingly affected due to potential water leaks over the last 35 – 100 years.

4) It’s not uncommon for previous unit owners to have had accidental water spills, or water leaks in their property, and If the previous owners have failed to always keep their doors and/or windows shut, as just a minor rain storm with a window leak or window not shut in time, will result in water reaching your Magnesite Flooring, through your carpet and/or other flooring system, attacking the concrete and causing Concrete Cancer.

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Does Magnesite Flooring Contain Asbestos In Australia?

Sometimes. Magnesite is a magnesium carbonate mineral with a chemical composition of (MgCO3). Magnesite is an important industrial mineral, pure Magnesite is theoretically 47.8% magnesia (MgO) and 52.2% carbon dioxide (CO2).  It is the source of two-thirds of the world’s magnesia (MgO); 25% is extracted from seawater, with the balance coming largely from brines.

World production of Magnesite is estimated to be 5.96 Mt with China being the major producer. Australia produced about 90,000 tonnes in 2013 with South Australia contributing 3,632 tonnes.

It is named after the presence of magnesium in its composition. Magnesite usually forms during the alteration of magnesium-rich rocks or carbonate rocks by metamorphism or chemical weathering. Magnesite is a specialised cementitious product that is based on Magnesium Oxychloride (or Magnesium Oxysulphate) types of cement.

The most common form involves the reaction between a Magnesium Chloride solution and Magnesium Hydroxide powder to form the cement binder. The finished product also contains a filling material which is commonly sawdust, wood fibres, cork, or can also contain ASBESTOS.

An owner’s corporation could be liable for diseases found to be caused by the ASBESTOS in Magnesite Floors. Magnesite Flooring is common property. To stop the possibility of claims being made against the strata scheme, the strata scheme will need to have an up-to-date asbestos register, asbestos management plan, and emergency procedures. Having this documentation may be a legal requirement for some strata schemes.

The removal of any Magnesite Flooring that contains ASBESTOS will need to follow an existing asbestos management plan and if one does not exist, one will need to be created to specifically manage such works.

Before all jobs commence you must obtain an “Asbestos Clearance Certificate” showing that the Magnesite Flooring has no asbestos content. If the Magnesite Flooring does have asbestos, you must contact a professional asbestos removal company.

– Click Here To Learn More About Asbestos
– Click Here To Contact AIRSAFE.NET.AU To Obtain This Document
Magnesite Flooring Removal - Asbestos Warning

Does Magnesite Contain Silica Dust And Is It Dangerous When Exposed Or Disturbed?

Yes, Magnesite Flooring does contain silica dust. Magnesite occurs as veins in and an alteration product of ultramafic rocks, serpentinite and other magnesium-rich rock types in both contact and regional metamorphic terrains. These magnesites often are cryptocrystalline and contain silica in the form of opal or chert.

Yes, Magnesite Flooring is dangerous when exposed or disturbed, it will release silica dust into the air. If you have removed your flooring system, you must have your Magnesite Flooring removed ASAP, or you must live in another property or hotel until the work has been completed. It is NOT safe to live in a home with exposed Magnesite Flooring.

– Click Here To Learn More About Silica Dust
Allens Industrial Products - Multi Condition Silica Sign 600 x 450 Poly
The Dangers Of Silica Dust 2

Can You Install A New Flooring System On Top Of Your Magnesite Flooring?

No, a new flooring system should never be installed over magnesite. A new flooring system should never be installed over the old magnesite flooring system because the magnesite is a minimum of 40 to 100 years old and has consistently been absorbing moisture throughout its lifespan. This moisture would then have seeped into your concrete subfloor and started the process of concrete cancer.

Even though the magnesite can look intact, dry and untouched, it is impossible to see the amount of damage sustained to the concrete subfloor. This can be a real safety issue as concrete cancer will affect the structural integrity of the subfloor, meaning the floor could collapse into the apartment below. Fixing concrete cancer in the subfloor can also be expensive, so dealing with any issues that are lurking beneath the magnesite flooring is best done sooner rather than later.

Magnesite was also only invented and installed as a temporary soundproofing/floor levelling agent and was never meant to be a permanent subfloor. In addition, the magnesite can contain ASBESTOS, which is a serious risk factor for anyone in the household. Leaving the magnesite down will lead to multiple issues, aside from just safety.

The other problem with keeping the magnesite flooring and having a new flooring system installed over the top is that you won’t be provided with/eligible for the warranty of the new flooring system (20-year warranties are provided by most manufacturers/installers). Many companies/installers will outright refuse to install a new flooring system over existing magnesite as there is a high chance that the new flooring system will fail within the first 12 months.

With the risk and safety factors, as well as the downsides to trying to install a new flooring system over the magnesite, it is best to always have all the magnesite removed, the concrete subfloor inspected to ensure any damage is found and repaired (and the floor levelled if it is required) and then a new flooring system installed over a clean, fresh concrete subfloor.

Not starting on a fresh and clean concrete subfloor will cost you a lot more money in the long run, as the magnesite will continue to damage the concrete and fail the new flooring system that is installed on it.

On over 90% of Magnesite Flooring jobs, an attempt to install a new Flooring System over the Magnesite Flooring will often fail within 12 months or less.

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Where Might Magnesite Be Lurking In My Unit?

Magnesite Flooring WILL be located in: “Dry Zones” (Bedrooms, Hallways, Lounge rooms)

Magnesite Flooring MAY be located in: “Kitchens(if it hasn’t been renovated in the last 30-80 years)

Magnesite Flooring is NOT located in “Wet Zones” (Bathrooms, Laundries, Balconies)

Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Removal Sydney 3

How Long Does The Magnesite Flooring Removal Process Take?

From start to finish, the process generally takes 4 – 6 days for Magnesite Flooring Removal, Concrete Grinding, Disposal of all Waste, Concrete Cancer Inspections, and Floor Levelling. If Concrete Cancer is found on-site this will increase how long the job will take.

1) Magnesite Flooring Removal will generally be completed in ONE DAY

2) Concrete Grinding will generally be completed in ONE DAY

3) Floor Levelling will generally be completed in ONE – TWO DAYS

4) Concrete Cancer Inspections will generally be completed in ONE DAY

5) Concrete Cancer Repairs and Concrete Crack Repairs will generally be completed in ONE – SEVEN DAYS

6) Installation of Your New Flooring System (This is up to your installation team)

Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Removal Sydney 2

Can Floor Levelling Products Be Used On Top Of Magnesite Flooring?

No, Ardit, Ardex, Mapei, Sika, Screeds, and ANY other Floor Levelling product CAN NOT be used on top of Magnesite Flooring. Magnesite Flooring must be removed, the concrete must be ground down and all repairs must be done before re-leveling your floor with any new Floor Levelling product to ensure it does not fail.  

The Floor Levelling agent will not bond correctly to Magnesite Flooring. Floor Levelling agents must be applied to clean concrete that has been prepared using a Concrete Grinder.

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Can You Repair Magnesite Flooring?

No, Magnesite Flooring should NEVER be “repaired” or “patch repaired” This is simply delaying the issues that Magnesite Flooring is causing to your property. Repair and Patch Repair jobs should never be performed. The FULL Magnesite Flooring Removal process should be followed to ensure that your Floor Levelling agent correctly bonds to your concrete. Patch Repair jobs will also often fail and crack within a short period of time.

Magnesite Flooring should never be repaired. It’s a material that Australia thought was a great idea, which ended up turning into a massive issue causing tens of millions of dollars worth of damage and crumbling structures throughout Sydney.

Before the new safe Floor Levelling agents that we have today. Magnesite was used (from the 1920s to the 1980s) before asbestos was banned and shortly after they noticed the effect Magnesite was having on the structures of buildings.

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Is Magnesite Considered Dangerous?

Yes, Magnesite is considered dangerous to the structure and your health, Magnesite Flooring is made of a chemical named Magnesium Oxychloride, which may contain ASBESTOS material. (It can be extremely dangerous to your long-term health to remove if you don’t take the proper precautions while doing it).

Magnesite Flooring was commonly used in homes built in the 1920s-1980s. Just like many other asbestos-containing building materials, it was a useful chemical for a range of materials but unfortunately, time has developed it into a health hazard, as well as a hazard to the building structure as it can cause Concrete Cancer.

Although Magnesite Flooring was quite a popular subfloor product many years ago, the introduction of more modern, safer, and more durable subfloor products has meant that Magnesite Flooring has fallen from favour.

Floors that were made from Magnesite are prone to getting damp since they do not remain moisture-proof. When this occurs, the chlorides that are in the Magnesite end up seeping into the concrete that is beneath the topcoat. If it is bad enough, it can even corrode the reinforcements of the floor or corrode any water or gas pipes that may be present (Concrete Cancer). Since Magnesite is water-soluble, that means that it will always return to its previous state if it is exposed to enough water.

Silica and Asbestos Warning Signs

Does Steam Cleaning Damage Your Magnesite Flooring?

Yes, the unfortunate reality is that often a carpet has been steam cleaned, dozens if not hundreds of times, over the last 30 – 80 years that your Magnesite Flooring has been installed (Depending on the age of the building). The most common reason for getting the carpet steam cleaned was due to tenants having rented the property, and/or for general “deep cleaning” purposes, as carpet traps various particles over time, even with regular vacuuming and spot cleaning.

As Magnesite Flooring is underneath the carpet, every time the carpet has been steam cleaned, the Magnesite Flooring has absorbed that moisture (water, particles and chemicals) and started to attack your concrete slab, causing Concrete Cancer. Even once the carpet and magnesite dry over time, the concrete has already absorbed the moisture and the damage process has started. The Concrete Cancer can not be reversed/fixed without the removal of all of the carpet, Magnesite and affected areas of concrete.

Concrete Cancer Repairs Sydney - Concrete Spalling Repairs Sydney

Does Being Near The Ocean Affect Magnesite Flooring?

Yes, in buildings near the ocean, chlorides from salt water can enter the concrete, even after it is built, and corrode the steel. Due to this being closer to the ocean will rapidly increase how fast your Magnesite Flooring has caused Concrete Cancer throughout your unit.

Magnesite Flooring is moisture-sensitive and being closer to the ocean will accelerate the rate at which your Magnesite Flooring breaks down and develops Concrete Cancer. Magnesite Flooring will swell up, bubble, and crack and the filler can also, rot and produce unpleasant odours. Once wet, it often resembles the texture of a cork from an old wine bottle!

Magnesite Flooring is extremely vulnerable to dampness, once it becomes significantly moist, the chlorine in the magnesium oxychloride begins to seep out of the Magnesite Flooring and into the concrete slab below, causing corrosion to the reinforcement bars within the concrete, as a result, it will also attack all pipework within the slab, as gravity does its job and pulls the now-contaminated water through the concrete subfloor.

This means that the steel reinforcement of the concrete subfloor is at risk of corrosion and Concrete Cancer, which can cause tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars worth of damage to your building. This is why removing your Magnesite Flooring ASAP is as important as replacing it with a new Floor Levelling agent.

Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Concrete Cancer Repairs Sydney

The Affects That Magnesite Has On Sydney Properties

Up to 90 per cent of apartments built between 1920 and 1980 have Magnesite-related defects, according to experts. Louie Douvis.

The City Futures Research Centre at the University of NSW said that in NSW alone there were more than 14,000 strata schemes containing more than 186,000 lots or units registered between 1961 and 1979 which may contain a Magnesite Floor.

Peter Johnsson, associate principal with engineering consultancy firm ACOR, said up to 90 per cent of apartments built during that period had a Magnesite Floor, particularly those in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, northern beaches, and western suburbs.

“The cost to fix this issue can range from $5,000 for an apartment on the low side to over $250,000 today,” Mr. Johnsson said.

Marton Marosszeky, director at BCRC, a group of specialist consultants in construction materials, said owners of older apartments needed to be aware of the problem. It’s a looming problem that’s coming towards us at a fast rate at the moment,” he said. There were thousands of buildings built in that era with Magnesite Flooring. This could potentially eclipse the cladding issue.

But because it’s hidden and slow to manifest, it’s not getting a lot of attention.” One of the Magnesite Floor-related jobs in Sydney involved a 64-apartment building where all units were affected Signs of Magnesite Floor damage include cracked tiles, flooring systems failing, and floors that bulge over rusting steel bars.

“The owners will have to spend up to $2 million to fix this problem,” he said.

“They’re spending millions of dollars rectifying a problem caused by a defective building material that is no longer in the market for the last 30-odd years.”

Unlike the cladding issue, which prompted government and insurance industry intervention because it involves newer buildings, owners of older apartments with legacy problems will have to shoulder the cost. “You could argue that Magnesite is similar to faulty materials like flammable cladding, but because it’s not a new building, it’s been built at a lower standard in the old days, there’s no current pressure for the government,” Mr. Johnsson said.

Magnesite Flooring Sydney

Magnesite A Costly Issue Plaguing NSW

“In those days, apartments were built quickly and builders didn’t take time to make the floors perfectly flat with the concrete.

“The Magnesite Floor used to make the floors nice and flat was filled with sawdust and cork held together by glue. Now the glue was the problem because it was made of magnesium oxychloride in the Magnesite Floor.”

The Magnesite Floor absorbs water and dissolves the chloride in the topping. When the chloride leeches to the steel bars reinforcing the floor, it corrodes them.  Mr. Marosszeky said the corrosion causes the concrete to expand by as much as eight times the volume of the original steel.

These expansive forces rupture the concrete, lifting the concrete just as a tree root lifts a footpath as the roots expand, Which is why it’s best to remove your Magnesite Floor ASAP. Magnesite Floors that are damaged could show up as hollow sounds on tiles, cracking of tiles, and bulging of the carpet over the rusting steel bars.

Because of the slow corrosion, the symptoms aren’t visible until the damage is already widespread.

Usually, when it’s discovered, the affected area that you can see is nowhere near the extent, because it’s a massive hidden problem in the concrete.

So you’ll be looking at least two to three times the amount that is visible on the surface that will require repair. So when you see lumps on the floor, or corrosion rust stains on the concrete, the problem is already there.

Because it is a structural issue, ignoring it is not an option.

“If you leave it for too long the bars simply get eaten away and then structural strengthening has to be undertaken, adding very significantly to the remedial cost,” Mr. Marosszeky said. “If you let it go, it can cost more than $1000 per square meter to remediate the problem, so stay alert and get help as soon as you detect any issues.” The cost rapidly increases the longer the Magnesite is installed.

“In the worst cases, the building will collapse. You have to fix it because it’s a structural problem.”‘

Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney

What Is Magnesite Flooring?

Older buildings especially apartments & unit blocks across Sydney that were built between the 20s up until the 90s are more than likely to have Magnesite Flooring. It is made of a chemical named Magnesium Oxychloride, which may contain ASBESTOS material. (It can be extremely dangerous to your long-term health to remove if you don’t take the proper precautions while doing it).

Magnesite Flooring isn’t used anymore, but because it was present in a lot of older buildings, it means that floor removal contractors could come across it, so knowing how to deal with it is very important.

Magnesite was used quite a lot in the flooring industry in the past and it is the properties that are often thirty or more years old. These older properties could still have it present. Magnesite Flooring screeds were predominantly used in industrial buildings as it was known to be resistant to oil spillages, but are also often found in unit blocks and apartments.

Because Magnesite Flooring is water-soluble, it will return to its previous state should it be exposed to enough water. Magnesite Flooring is also quite flexible, meaning that it is not suitable to be overlaid with a smoothing compound, making it unsuitable to be used with all types of floor covering.

Although Magnesite Flooring was quite a popular subfloor product many years ago, the introduction of more modern, safer, and more durable subfloor products has meant that Magnesite Flooring has fallen from favour.

When building contractors do discover a flooring screed that contains Magnesite, the chances are that it was installed many years ago and is now showing definite signs of wear and tear. The best thing to do in this case would be to carefully remove the Magnesite Flooring and lay a new floor in its place.

Magnesite Flooring Removal will take some time, but laying a new damp-proof membrane and a smoothing compound capable of offering a deep fill to replace the Magnesite, will mean the subfloor is far more suitable for modern use and will remove the risk of Concrete Cancer damaging your subfloor.

Magnesite is often mixed with concrete making it extremely difficult to remove even with the strongest team and specialized heavy demolition equipment such as a hydraulic jackhammer.

The dust that is released from Magnesite Flooring when it is removed can be extremely dangerous to breathe in as well, making specialized safety equipment a MUST!

It has been commonly used in homes built in the 20s-80s. Just like many other asbestos-containing building materials, it was a useful chemical for a range of materials but unfortunately, time has developed it into a health hazard, as well as a hazard to the building structure as it can cause Concrete Cancer.

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Magnesite Flooring Issues

What issues does Magnesite Flooring create? after long-term exposure to moisture, the Magnesite may start to wear and become damaged. This will result in harmful chlorides being released into the air and getting into your family’s and pet’s lungs.

Common areas of the household for this to happen include kitchens, bathrooms, laundries, balconies, and windows. Once the Magnesite starts releasing the chlorides, it will damage the surrounding concrete, pipes, and steel. Causing corrosion, cracks, lumps, and disintegration.

Magnesite Flooring should be replaced before any of these effects happen as it is unsafe to leave it as well as the factors of it devaluing your property and causing future issues that will be far more expensive to fix.

The disintegration of the concrete can not only be a health hazard but also a tripping hazard which is a huge problem, particularly for businesses that want to avoid worker’s compensation lawsuits. If you want to refurbish your home or renovate your business’s workspace.

Magnesite Flooring can be extremely difficult as it is not a suitable material to use smoothing compound on and can limit what floor covering you can use.

The best thing for you to do is to get your Magnesite Flooring professionally removed before replacing it with a more substantial, sturdy surface. By getting it professionally removed you can ensure that the job will be completed in a safe and fast manner by our team at Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney.

At Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney, we offer a service to remove your magnesite safely while making sure that you avoid any of the harmful effects of breathing in the dust in the area by attempting to do it yourself.

Our team of professionals has years of experience in Magnesite Flooring Removal. We use high-quality, safety equipment and specialized tools to get the best results when completing the task of removing the Magnesite Flooring. We will be able to remove the Magnesite toppings safely and efficiently while making sure that are completed within a reasonable time frame.

Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Removal Sydney 1

What Does Magnesite Flooring Look Like?

Magnesite Flooring in Australia is a “Brownish” colour, in other areas around the world, it’s more of a “pinkish/red” colour.

Magnesite Flooring is not used anymore but was very popular for domestic applications in unit blocks from the 1920s to the 1980sMagnesite Flooring was commonly applied on top of concrete ground floor slabs. Magnesite Flooring was made from a mixture of calcined magnesite and magnesium chloride solution with various fillers (e.g. wood flour, sawdust, and sometimes asbestos).

Magnesite Flooring was made from a mixture of calcined Magnesite and magnesium chloride solution with various fillers (e.g. wood flour, sawdust, asbestos). It was typically laid between 10 and 25mm thick, but two-coat applications could be up to 50mm thickMagnesite Flooring is very vulnerable to dampness and if there is any doubt about moisture protection, it should be replaced.

Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney 3Brown Hessian Underlay + Magnesite Flooring (ADD TO ASBESTOS BLOG)

Want To Learn More?

– STRATA Approval
– Asbestos Warning
– Is Silica Dust Dangerous?
– Help Me Get STRATA Approval!

– Why Is Floor Preparation Required?
– How Much Does Floor Levelling Cost?
– How Much Does Concrete Grinding Cost?

– Concrete Cancer Repairs
– How Do You Repair Concrete Cancer?
– How Much Does It Cost To Repair Concrete Cancer?

– The Dangers Of Silica Dust From Concrete Grinding
– Why You Need To Be Careful Removing Your Old Carpet

– What Is Magnesite Flooring?
– Magnesite Flooring Removal
– Can You Repair Magnesite Flooring?
– Does Magnesite Contain Silica Dust?
– Does Magnesite Have To Be Removed?
– How Water Affects Magnesite Flooring!
– Magnesite A Costly Issue Plaguing NSW

– Magnesite Flooring Removal – Who Pays?
– What Does Magnesite Flooring Look Like?
– Is Magnesite Flooring Considered Dangerous?
– Does Magnesite Contain Asbestos In Australia?
– What Is The Cost Of Removing Magnesite Flooring?
– The Affects That Magnesite Has On Sydney Properties
– Where Magnesite Flooring May Be Lurking In Your Unit
– Does Being Near The Ocean Affect Magnesite Flooring?
– Does Steam Cleaning Damage Your Magnesite Flooring?
– How Do I Start The Magnesite Flooring Removal Process?
– How Long Does The Magnesite Flooring Removal Process Take?
– Can Floor Levelling Products Be Used On Top Of Magnesite Flooring?
– Can You Install A New Flooring System On Top Of Your Magnesite Flooring?

Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Concrete Cancer Repairs Sydney Concrete Cancer Repairs Sydney - Magnesite Flooring Removal SydneyMagnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Floor Removal SydneyMagnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Removal Sydney 9 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Floor Removal Sydney 13Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Magnesite Foor Removal Sydney Magnesite Removal Sydney 6 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Magnesite Foor Removal Sydney Magnesite Removal Sydney 1 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Magnesite Foor Removal Sydney Magnesite Removal Sydney 2 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Magnesite Foor Removal Sydney Magnesite Removal Sydney 3 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Magnesite Foor Removal Sydney Magnesite Removal Sydney 4 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Magnesite Foor Removal Sydney Magnesite Removal Sydney 5 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Floor Removal Sydney Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Flooring Sydney 2 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Flooring Sydney Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney - Magnesite Removal Sydney 6 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney 8 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney 7 Why Is Magnesite Flooring No Longer RecommendedMagnesite Flooring Removal 5 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney 3 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney 4 Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Magnesite Flooring Removal Sydney Dust-FreeHow To Repair Concrete Cancer Sydney Concrete Cancer Repairs Sydney - Concrete Spalling Repairs Sydney   


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