0424 408 330

We Will Beat All Quotes By Up To 10%*
No Call Out Fee Conditions apply*

Carpet Removal From Stairs

Carpet Removal From Stairs is one of our specialties. Our service includes the whole package we’ll come to your property, Remove the Carpet & underlay From your Stairs. As well as Removing all the staples and glue residue when possible.

Allowing you to have a fresh staircase ready for re-installation of any flooring system. Then our team will take all the waste out to our truck, sweep up and vacuum any remaining mess and dust on site.

We Will Beat All Of Our Competitors Quotes By Up To 10%*
We Will NEVER… EVER Be Beaten On Price At Carpet Removal From Stairs Sydney
We Also Offer MASSIVE DISCOUNTS Off Our Normal Advertised Prices If You Have A Large Job!

How Much Does It Cost To Remove Carpet From Stairs?

On average Carpet Removal from Stairs Costs $15 – $40 Per Step for jobs that require Removal.

On average Carpet Removal from Landings Costs $30 – $40 Per Landing for jobs that require Removal.

These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– How the carpet has been installed on the stairs
– How many STEPS and/or LANDINGS that require Hand Grinding and/or Removal
– The SIZE of the steps (Extra Wide or Extra Long Steps may increase the prices listed above)

Smooth Edged Stairs = $15 / Per Step*
Glued Stairs =  $30 / Per Step*
Stair Runner = $30 / Per Step*
Winding Stairs = $30 / Per Step*
Floating Stairs = $35 / Per Step*
Stair landings = $30 – $40 / Per Landing*
Stairs With Trims = $40 / Per Step*
Staple Gunned Stairs = $40 / Per Step*

Bullnose Stairs =  $40 / Per Step*

These prices may vary depending on a large range of factors though, so please only use this as a general guide.

Carpet Removal Sydney (Different Stair Types)

Will I Need Your Concrete Grinding Services After You Remove The Carpet From My Stairs?

Possibly, once our team has removed your carpet from the stairs you may see a glue residue that will need to be ground off your concrete using a concrete grinder. Or sanded off your timber by hiring a floor sander (unfortunately we don’t offer a floor sanding service).

Click here to view our Concrete Grinding page for more information

Dust-Free Concrete Grinding (Will The Job Be 100% Dust-Free?)

No, The Job Will Not Be 100% Dust-Free. BUT!

How Do We Achieve A Almost 90% Dust-Free Concrete Grinding Experience For Our Clients Free Of Charge?

Step 2: Concrete Grinding The Glue Residue
We will remove all the carpet glue residue on your concrete slab with the use of a high powered Hilti DG 150 Concrete Grinder that is connected directly into a high powered DustMaster DM-2680-M Dust Extractor.

When we are removing a flooring system such as carpet from a staircase that has been commercially glued down. Substantial dust is produced from removing the glue off the concrete that is under the underlay after we have removed the carpet or sometimes simply directly under the carpet. This dust is still massively reduced by the use of our high powered commercial dust extractors that are plugged directly into our equipment.

But unfortunately, small amounts of dust are still produced and cannot be completely eliminated even with the most expensive high-end equipment and the latest technology. It should also be noted that certain equipment such as concrete grinders NEED small amounts of dust to function correctly. (Although over 90% of the dust is still sucked up by a 3 engine dust extractor that is plugged directly into the concrete grinder) but around 10% of the dust still escapes.

This system is intentionally designed to let 10% of the dust escape as the concrete grinder needs dust under the diamonds (the blades that are grinding your slab) to grind the concrete without damaging your slab or our equipment.

If you are concerned about the small amounts of dust that may possibly get into areas that we are not working in such as the kitchens, bathrooms, cabinets, etc. we would advise that you seal off those areas that we are not working in with plastic and sticky tape before our team arrives to avoid delays.

Get A Better Understanding Of Just How Powerful Our DustMaster DM-2680-H Dust Extractor Is

Tile Removal Sydney (Transparent 2)DustMaster DM-2680-H Dust Extractor (Dust-Free) Concrete Grinding Sydney

Dustmaster® series dust extractors have been specially designed to handle demands of the concrete grinding industry which has high loading fine dust.

This is the H-Class (or often referred to as HEPA) Dust extractor that is certified to handle hazardous dust. These amazing dust collectors have been certified to capture up to 99.99% of the dust.

Dust extraction in our industry is often more important than the actual grinding itself. Without it, we could breathe the fine dust which could be detrimental to our health.

– Featuring dual 10A motors, maximum performance is ensured. The longopac bagging system makes handling and disposal of hazardous dust much easier.

– Performance is maintained by the rotary filter cleaning mechanism which automatically cleans the filter during operation.

– This machine has a single durable toggle switch for each motor.

– A deep clean is achieved while running whilst the motor is turned off. The rotary filter cleaning can be turned off when the DustMaster is not in use, using the rotary switch on the front panel.

H-Class (H13) dust extractors must pass the 0.3µm DOP test that certifies they capture no less than 99.99% of the dust.

– The rotary filter cleaning system is very effective and takes only 10-20 seconds to deep clean the filter. You may never have to remove the filter to clean it again, keeping your job and your hand’s cleaner!

– You won’t find a better piece of equipment to handle your job, this is the most high-end piece of equipment that we can use for your job. The next level up would require a 15A power supply which would require you to supply us a generator on-site as residential power only has 10A.

What Equipment Does Our Team Use?

Flooring Removal and Concrete Grinding Sydney's Equipment - Carpet Removal Sydney (4) Flooring Removal and Concrete Grinding Sydney's Equipment - Carpet Removal Sydney (3) Flooring Removal and Concrete Grinding Sydney's Equipment - Carpet Removal Sydney (2)
Flooring Removal and Concrete Grinding Sydney's Equipment - Carpet Removal Sydney (1)

Do I Need To Turn Off My Air-con & Fire Alarms?

Yes, If your carpet was glued down then we will need to grind your concrete to remove any glue residue, although we do try to keep the dust to an absolute minimum through various methods such as connecting our concrete grinders to a DustMaster DM-2680-M Dust Extractor. Unfortunately, though dust may still occur, so it is important that you turn off air conditioning units and isolate, switch off and cover your fire alarms as dust will set them off.

Can You Work Over Night? Are There Any Additional Charges?

Yes, our team can work Any Day, Anytime, 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week, 365 Days Of The Year at any time that suits our clients.

If you have time restrictions, noise restrictions or any other restriction or deadlines we can make sure that we can fit into your schedule to make sure that your job is completed in the time frame needed while still maintaining the highest quality of work standards at any time that you desire with NO additional charges!

Do You Offer Free Quotes With A Price Beat Guarantee?

– We will beat all of our competitor’s quotes by up to 10%*
– We also offer FREE quotes & site inspections
We will NEVER be beaten on price at carpet removal Sydney

So Why Choose Our Team At Carpet Removal Sydney For Your Project?

Every year here at Carpet Removal Sydney our team removes tens of thousands of square metres of flooring systems. So as you can imagine they run into every issue you can imagine. As the flooring system they encounter are all installed different ways and we also offer such a large range of services.

So as you can imagine our team is quite experienced in the services we offer and know how to handle any issue that we may come across on any flooring removal project. Giving our customers the peace of mind knowing that they have a highly experienced team doing their job.

– Free Quote & Measure For Every Job!

– Over 150 Flawless Reviews & Testimonials!

– Combine Multiple Services To Save Money!

– Proudly 100% Australian Owned & Operated!

– 100% Licensed & Insured Flooring Specialists!

– 35+ Years Experience Specializing In Flooring!

– 24/7 – 365 Service Available At No Extra Charge!

– Up-Front Pricing, Lowest Prices & No Hidden Costs*

– Fully Qualified & In House Trained Specialists Team!

– Found A Cheaper Price? We, Will, Beat It Every Time*

– There Is A Highly Trained On-Site Supervisor On Every Job!

– We Use The Latest Dust Extraction Equipment Free Of Charge*

– All Floors Are Left Clean, Smooth And Ready For Reinstallation*

Carpet Removal Sydney (Carpet Removal From Stairs Tiled Sydney)


We’ll Beat All Quotes By Up To 10%*, No Call Out Fee Conditions apply*

Carpet Removal Sydney (Price Beat Guarantee 2)



We’ll Beat ALL Quotes By Up To 10%
Conditions apply. *Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.



We’ll Beat ALL Quotes By Up To 10%
Conditions apply. *Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Remove Carpet From Stairs

Remove Carpet From Stairs

Carpet Removal Sydney (Different Stair Types)

Carpet Removal Cost For Stairs

$15 – $40 / Per Step*

Smooth Edged Stairs = $15 / Per Step*
Glued Stairs =  $30 / Per Step*
Stair Runner = $30 / Per Step*

Winding Stairs = $30 / Per Step*
Stair landings = $30 / Per Step*
Floating Stairs = $35 / Per Step*
Staple Gunned Stairs = $40 / Per Step*

Bullnose Stairs =  $40 / Per Step*
Stairs With Trims = $40 / Per Step*

– We are a fully insured business with worker’s compensation, insured for public liability and all employees have white card health and safety and covid vaccinations.

– Our highly trained staff will always work in a safe and efficient manner while using high-quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Dust Extraction Equipment.

How Much Does It Cost To Remove Carpet From Your Stairs?

Stairs – $15 – $40 Per Step*

Landings – $30 – $40 Per Landing*

On average Carpet Removal from Stairs Costs $15 – $40 Per Step for jobs that require Removal.

On average Carpet Removal from Landings Costs $30 – $40 Per Landing for jobs that require Removal.

These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– How the carpet has been installed on the stairs
– How many STEPS and/or LANDINGS that require Hand Grinding and/or Removal
– The SIZE of the steps (Extra Wide or Extra Long Steps may increase the prices listed above)

Smooth Edged Stairs = $15 / Per Step*
Glued Stairs =  $30 / Per Step*
Stair Runner = $30 / Per Step*

Winding Stairs = $30 / Per Step*
Floating Stairs = $35 / Per Step*
Stair landings = $30 – $40 / Per Landing*
Stairs With Trims =  $40 / Per Step*
Staple Gunned Stairs = $40 / Per Step*

Bullnose Stairs =  $40 / Per Step*

These prices may vary depending on a large range of factors though, so please only use this as a general guide.Commercial Carpet Installation Sydney - Carpet Installation Sydney - 20

What Are Smooth Edged Stairs?

Smooth edged stairs are stairs laid using wood batons with pins sticking out of them that hold the stretch of the carpet tightly to the stairs.

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Stairs Laid With Smooth Edge

The cost to remove carpet from stairs that have been laid using smooth edge is $15 / Per Step*
(This includes the removal of the carpet, the underlay, and the smooth edge batons)

Carpet Removal Sydney (Smooth edged Stair)

What Are Glued Stairs?

Glued stairs are stairs that have been directly glued to the staircase with a dual-bond adhesive (Normally in a commercial environment). They are incredibly hard to remove and require specialized equipment.

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Stairs Laid With Glue

The cost to remove carpet from stairs that have been laid using glue is $30 / Per Step*
(This includes the removal of the carpet and the underlay)
(This does not include this cost to remove the glue residue with Concrete Grinding)

Hand Grinder Dust-Free Concrete Grinding Sydney (Carpet Removal Sydney)

What Are Stair Runners?

A stair runner is a piece of carpet that doesn’t cover the entire width of the stair.

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Stair Runners

The cost to remove carpet from stairs that have been laid as a stair runner is $30 / Per Step*
(This includes the removal of the carpet and the underlay)

Carpet Removal Sydney (Stairs Runner)

What Are Winding Stairs (Also Known As “Winders”)?

Winding stairs are stairs that are narrower on one side than the other. They are used to change the direction of the stairs without landings. A series of winders form a circular or spiral stairway

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Winding Stairs

The cost to remove carpet from winding stairs is $30 / Per Step*
(This includes the removal of the carpet, the underlay, and the smooth edge batons)

Carpet Removal Sydney (Winding stairs)

What Are Stair Landings?

Stair landings is a stair that is a level platform constructed at a location where the direction of stairs changes, between flights of the stair, or at the top of stair flight.

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Stair Landings

The cost to remove carpet from stair landings is $30 / Per Step*
(This includes the removal of the carpet, the underlay, and the smooth edge batons)

Carpet Removal Sydney (Stair Landing)

What Are Floating Stairs?

Floating stairs are stairs that are disconnected from each other and have pieces of carpet wrapped around each individual step.

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Floating Stairs

The cost to remove carpet from floating stairs is $35 / Per Step*
(This includes the removal of the carpet and the underlay)

Carpet Removal Sydney (Floating Stairs)

What Are Bullnose Stairs?

A stair that has a curved outside edge is referred to as a bullnose stair. It is found most commonly at the very bottom of the staircase as the first stair. The carpet can be wrapped around the curved lip of the stair by making a slit as was done for the cap stair, and flexing the carpet around the bend

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Bullnose Stairs

The cost to remove carpet from bullnose stairs is $40 / Per Step*
(This includes the removal of the carpet and the underlay)

Carpet Removal Sydney (Bullnose Stairs)

What Are Stairs With Treads?

Stairs with treads are stairs that have a piece of plastic, metal, etc glued or nailed onto the stair generally in unit blocks to help your shoe grip to the stair to avoid accidental slips.

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Stairs With Treads

The cost to remove carpet from stairs that have been laid with treads or trims is $40 / Per Step*
(This includes the removal of the carpet, underlay, smooth edge batons, and the treads)

Carpet Removal Sydney (Stairs With Treads)

What Are Staple Gunned Stairs?

Staple gunned stairs are stairs that have been installed using a staple gun, there are usually 10-100 staples per stair holding the carpet tightly to the wooden stairs.

What Is The Cost To Remove Carpet From Stairs That Are Staple Gunned

The cost to remove staple gunned carpet from stairs is $40 / Per Step*

Carpet Removal Sydney (Staple Gunned Stairs)

Do You Offer Discounts For Larger Carpet Removal From Stairs Jobs?

Yes, we offer large discounts for larger Carpet Removal From Stairs jobs, We Will NEVER Be Beaten On Price. we will always have the lowest and most competitive prices for all large flooring removal jobs! We Are Happy To Beat Competitors Quotes By Up To 10%!

Can You Work After Hours While Removing Carpet From Stairs?

Yes, our Carpet Removing From Stairs team can work Any Day, Anytime, 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week, 365 Days Of The Year. At any time that suits our client, if you have time restrictions, noise restrictions or any other restrictions we can make sure that we can fit into your schedule to make sure that your job is completed in the time frame needed at any time that you desire.

Our Promise To You

We specialise in delivering solutions to Remove Carpet From Stairs in the residential, commercial, industrial and civil sectors throughout Sydney. No job is too big or too small. We’ve built our reputation based on quality workmanship, efficient service, and value for money.

We will always beat all of our competitor’s quotes on all jobs that require us to Remove Carpet From Stairs while maintaining a professional, fast and efficient service for all our clients. We will Remove all the Carpet, underlay, smooth edge and dispose of all of the waste. So that your Stairs are safe and ready for the reinstallation of a new flooring system.

Our team has over 35 years of experience combined with the most skilled and also the most professional Remove Carpet From Stairs team that Sydney has to offer. These are two of the many reasons that we are known for and often referred to as the best Carpet Removal team in Sydney.

Carpet Removal Sydney - Carpet Remover 1

Our Carpet Removal teams are trained, certified and insured to work on residential properties, large commercial projects and construction sites.

Hire our specialist Remove Carpet On Stairs team with over 35 years of experience, all the trucks and specialized tools needed to get the job done quickly, efficiently and affordably today!

We’re looking forward to extending to you the same quality results that we’ve become known for throughout the industry.

To obtain a Free Price Beat Guarantee Quote from Sydney’s #1 Remove Carpet On Stairs Specialists simply fill out our:
Free Online Quote Form!

You can also contact us directly on:
0424 408 330

Or email us at:
For a free quote & site inspection today.

We will ALWAYS Beat All Of Our Competitors Quotes By Up To 10%*


Fill out the form and our team will contact you!

Price Beat Guarantee


We Will Beat All Of Our Competitors Quotes By Up To 10%*

Carpet Removal Sydney (Commercial Flooring Badges)